Saturday, February 23, 2008

Meet Aiden- Sneak Peek!

Meet Aiden- he came in recently for a session for the Bebe Collection- and what a handsome guy he is!! He had the cutest hair- a tuft of long strawberry blonde fuzz right on top that his mom says she can't tame! I can't wait to see what color his hair ends up later, it's so pretty now!!

Here's a sneak peek of a couple of images from his session for his mom- so here you go, Jessica! Jessica will be picking one image in black and white from this session to be a part of an image collection later as part of the Bebe Collection.

When you see the image of Aiden and the fireman hat- his Dad is one of our amazing firefighters and rescue team members in Bloomington so this hat has a special place with Aiden's family. As you are reading this blog, take a moment to quietly thank our amazing team out there!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful is the first word that comes to mind - absolutely beautiful pics. Loved 'em!!!