Thursday, February 21, 2008

Going to New Hampshire

Recently I was asked to speak at the New Hampshire state convention that will be held at the end of April in North Conway, New Hampshire. It is an honor to be asked back to New Hampshire and be able to share and spend time with other photographers who love what they do as much as I do!

Gosh, did I mention it was an honor to be going? The speaker lineup is AMAZING and it is a priviledge to be speaking in the same lineup as nationally known photographers and speakers such as Fuzzy Duenkel, Mike Fulton of TriCoast Photography, and Mark Garber and Jennifer Gilman.

So, needless to say the lineup is wonderful, the people of New Hampshire are great- and I have a little place in my heart for this conference- last year I entered their print competition and received a few awards, including the New Hampshire Court of Honor.

Even better, it looks like a group of us are going out for New England lobster- now what could be better?!

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