Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy New Year!!

As the middle of January approaches, I extend to you my heartfelt thank you for allowing Studio J to be a part of your lives. As I spend time with each of you, creating images for you, I want you to know how special it is for me to be a part of that! Your images will be around for such a long time, and to know I was there to do this for you is so humbling.

This is going to be a BIG year for Studio J !! This year, in addition to our senior and family portrait line, we are also introducing Studio J Kids ! Did you know we photograph kids too?! As a mother of 4 children of my own and 2 stepchildren as well- this photographer has EXPERIENCE! Believe me!!!

In all seriousness, though, as our youngest child, now 3, grows, I miss those babies!! And as much as you moms with young babies live with slobber on your shoulders- wishing for a clean shirt, I welcome it! Your children are only young once, and capturing them is a way that helps you to remember them, as they are, is of the utmost importance. For when it is all said and done, and they are grown and gone, it's the images and memories that last forever.

Soon we will be sharing more information with you as we introduce some new lines into the studio. This is something you don't want to miss- I encourage you to join our mailing list so you don't miss anything!

Again, a big thank you from our studio to you! Here's to 2008!!!

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